
Drouin East

Drouin East (K3 to Year 4): Our Drouin East Campus is where Chairo commenced back in 1983. Located between Drouin and Warragul on Lardners Track, just minutes from the Drouin Campus, today the campus caters for boys and girls from Kinder (K3 & K4) through to Year 4. It’s a beautiful little community that benefits from high levels of parental involvement, excellent facilities and a wonderful, peaceful environment.

Meg Steenholdt

Naomi Clarke
Head of Teaching and Learning

Melissa Rees
Head of Junior School


Kindergarten (K3 & K4)
Junior School (Prep to Year 4)

435 Lardners Track,
Drouin East, VIC 3818

Enrolment Enquiry
Book a Tour


Drouin East Kinder Learning Framework
Drouin East Kinder Handbook


Drouin East Instrumental Music Program
Before & After School Care